SUCCESS: Bxerblog is Caught Up



GUYS I DID IT! I can’t even believe it myself I am so happy and pleased with myself! It’s official, I am up to date on One Piece, I am all caught up with the series. I am now forced to watch episodes week by week as they are released. I never thought this day would come. No joke. It seemed so hopeless that I would be able to start from literally episode 1 of the series and make it before the series would be finished. Thank Oda, he has not decided to conclude the show in the time that it took me to get caught up.

This feels like a huge accomplishment to me. Others will probably argue how sad it is, pathetic even that I wasted over a year of my life getting up to date on a show that has 700+ episodes and many many specials and movies. My brother calculated that with this many episodes, all being about 25 minutes, it means that I spend 9 whole days watching this show. This is 9 24/hour days. That is the calculation.

I think I’ll do a short recap of my experience for you. The worst parts, the best parts and so on. As I’ve previously mentioned in my blog post “Catching up Quick” I said how I took a break from the series for a while. To be precise, I took off maybe six months in all where I didn’t watch any episodes. This includes the summer and all that time I had a social life and school that I had to deal with. I was struggling to get through certain arcs, and I decided to stop watching for a bit so that I could hopefully get once again motivated to continue on. I had the most trouble getting through Thriller Bark and Fishman Island. Moriah I hated as a villain, and he was really annoying. It was also especially difficult because I knew how close I was getting to the Straw Hats separating for two years followed by Ace’s death. This made me very nervous. As for Fishman Island, Shirahoshi was the worsttttttt. Ugh she was so whiny and pathetic and awful. Of course the whole arc was tragic and I loved how big of a role Shinbei played and even the epic battle where the Straw Hats finally get involved to fight against Hody was great but still. It was very long.

However, my pace quickened drastically with the help of Law. Oh Law. He is wonderful. He is beautiful and everything about him is fantastic. His powers are fantastic, his fashion is fantastic and that freakin awesome alliance with Luffy is the best. So I was zipping through Punk Hazard. It was also crazy sad. I’m pretty into One Piece pulling on my heartstrings. It shows me that I’m still 100% committed to this show and that I have such a connection to the characters. Oda knows whats up. I think it may have taken me less than a month to get through all of Punk Hazard because it was so engaging.

And of course theres the Dressrosa arc. I was SO excited for this one. Ever since I saw that Sabo was being introduced (I was probably at like Amazon Lily arc at that point), I was thrilled and eager to get to that arc. I also did watch the intro Wake Up just to see him in it (Version 2). And oh my god was I not disappointed. Freakin Sabo is badass. He reunited with Luffy and I swear I re-watched that scene at least three times before moving on. When he finally got Ace’s Mera-Mera fruit I was practically jumping out of my seat. And when Sabo was facing off with Issho and tells him that if Luffy every needs help, no matter where he is as his brother he’ll come running no matter his position and it flashed back to Sabo finding out about Ace’s death, and his total breakdown, I cried. I have yet to watch the Sabo special but I’m really hoping that it shows Sabo dealing with the death. I will be watching Sabo’s episode and 3D2Y hopefully this weekend.

What I didn’t like; Some of those filler arcs were painful to get through. I was forcing myself. Oh the arcs that were the One Piece and Toriko crossovers! That was so bad for me. I watched the first one, but then there was the one that also had Goku in it, I gave up. Totally skipped it. The only episodes I can confidently say I skipped over were the crossover ones. I even watched the Foxy pirates and the Spa Island arc. Those were awful and so pointless.

Loved; Law’s story. Wow was it incredible. I knew it would be good, I knew I would like Corazon. But MAN. I LOVE Corazon. I freakin want more of Corazon and wish he was alive. He’s a damn hero and no wonder Law literally wants to give his life for this man. There’s something about certain characters voice’s for me. The voice actors for certain characters, when they are screaming and crying it just makes my heart ache. It hurts me. Which is crazy to think but it’s true. This goes for Luffy of course when he’s holding dead Ace in his arms and he just breaks down. I was bawling. Luffy’s voice actor just brings it out of me. And it goes the same for Law. At least for little Law. When Corazon dies and his power over sound lifts off of Law and you can finally hear him cry it is just heartbreaking.

Characters; Hate Boa Hancock. I’m sorry I know. But she’s so frustrating. I really don’t like how obsessively in love she is with Luffy. I do love how he gives no shits about her romantically, but still. Calm down. Love Law, Bartolomeo, even freakin Cavendish. Loving the introduction of new pirates. New pirates that like Luffy and are on his side even for a short time is amazing. Also, in Dressrosa, when the coloseum contestants who were turned into toys become normal again (including but not limited to Cavendish, Chinjoa and his sons, Hack, Hajrudin etc.) basically Luffy’s band of freaks was hilarious. They’re all so damn thankful that they’re back to normal and that a member of Luffy’s grew God Usopp saved their asses that they have all sworn to kill Doflamingo as thanks. I was dying of laughter. They looked like a band of clowns.

What I’m looking forward to. Oh that’s hard. I don’t know. I don’t read the manga so I don’t know for certain what’s to come. I know about Zo a bit and the tribe of animal human hybrids, something about Nami and Sanji maybe getting kidnapped. But I think there’s still a way to go with Dressrosa. Luffy hasn’t even started fighting Doflamingo yet. I’m looking forward to being surprised. And to getting to experience it all as it comes.

Catching Up Quick



Oh boy. So let me start off by saying that a year later, I have less than 100 episodes left of One Piece. After a solid six month break from the series, then I took a few months off this past summer, but I have officially continued from where I left off.

Made it past the time skip which I was super anxious for and I was awaiting the reunion of the Straw Hats. Finished Punk Hazard within a few weeks and Now I’m in the Dress Rosa Arc. I kid you not, I have been waiting SO LONG for Law. I’m obsessed with him, I love him so damn much. He’s freakin’ awesome. The whole Punk Hazard Arc was brilliant. I knew of the Straw Hats alliance with Law before I started that arc but I really had no idea what was the deal with Caesar and what he was really doing. The hardest part about One Piece I think is that every time there is a new awful villain, I think to myself; ‘well this guy is the worst’. Started with Foxy the Silver Fox from the Long Ring Long Land Arc, I was convinced he was the worst. Then there was Moriah from Thriller Bark, who I loathed. Uch he was awful. Of course there’s Balckbeard who I will forever detest with every fibre of my being because of what he did to Ace. Caesar was awful! A real sicko madman. Disgusting of him performing experiments on those kids. But now I’ve got Doflamingo to deal with. Oh man, I just know he’s a horrible person. I have so much hate for these villains.

Dress Rosa has been great so far.


I am currently on episode 650. Luffy just won his round for the tournament, we’ve already discovered that Ace’s Mera Mera Fruit is the prize and we also know what’s really going on in Dress Rosa. Namely, that this devil fruit user Sugar is turning humans into toys. Don’t know yet why, but its crazy. And then there’s Sabo. I’m so excited for him. It’s going to be amazing. I did spoil it for myself when the episode first came out, just the scene where he and Luffy are reunited and it’s beautiful and I know I’m going to cry. I also know that Sabo does get Ace’s devil fruit ability, which is brilliant.

So many exciting things are ahead, but I really just wanted to give a shout out to my two new favourite characters who I am feigning over. First and foremost there is Trafalgar Law. God he is the best. His voice is wonderful, smooth and cool. He was totally nuts when he’s first introduced in Punk Hazard and when he becomes  Warlord I was sure that he was evil like the others. But alas, he’s not. His power is also amazing. I love his Room ability. For those who don’t know, when he activates his Room power, he can control anything and anyone in this forcefield and can separate their limbs with ease (and without actually hurting anyone). He can also have people switch bodies, which I do admit was annoying.

And lastly there is Bartolomeo. He is so weird and so annoying and cocky. At first I was so confused with him. What was his deal. But I did know that for some reason he is a fan of Luffy. Turns out he is next level obsessive fan. He is literally a fan girl. It’s amazing. There’s a moment in one episode where Luffy runs past Bartolomeo and he totally geeks out. He doesn’t even know how to talk to Luffy. I was cracking up laughing. I’m so pleased with his character.

Thought I would give an update on where I am before I get completely caught up with the series. I’m giving myself until January to be caught up. I want to get on track before episodes start coming in every week again. The series I’m pretty sure is on a break at the moment, so this is the perfect time for me to binge-watch.

Just your average run-of-the-mill cry-fests


I would say that I don’t cry often. I’m sensitive, but I rarely cry. When I do cry, it is mostly in private because I feel uncomfortable crying in front of anyone and I am uncomfortable when people cry in front of me. There are really two occasions that I cry. When I’m stressed (with school mostly, and I’m frustrated and depressed (about school), OR when I get emotionally attached to a character from a movie or TV series, or just watching a movie or TV show and sad things happen which are cry-worthy.

I expected to shed some tears while catching up on One Piece. I didn’t know to what extent the tears would flow (until the stuff with Ace of course). I have teared slightly a few times while watching the series, but not intense, ugly crying. However, I’m almost 300 episodes into the series and I have bawled my eyes out twice so far. Both times have been during the Enies Lobby Arc.

I felt that I needed to write a post about this because the latest episode had me crying so hard that I know feel slightly emotionally drained and exhausted because I cried so much. I used up 20ish tissues and my eyes are now red and my nose is stuffed.

The first time I really cried while watching One Piece was when Usopp found out that Merry is completely unfixable and Luffy decided that she would be sunk. Usopp in a fit of rage, gets into a fight with Luffy, they exchange harsh words and Usopp decides to leave the crew. He challenged Luffy to a final battle stating that the winner gets to keep Merry and do what they pleased with her. Naturally, Usopp loses, Luffy didn’t go easy on him by any means, but the fight as a whole was emotional and sad. The relationship Luffy and Usopp have had is that of silly and mischievous best friends. It’s a genuine friendship and it was really sad watching it all crumble. At the end of the battle, when Usopp is lying on the ground unconscious, Luffy states that Merry is his. Without turning back, Luffy walks towards the rest of his crew, his face hidden the whole time. It’s at the last moment in the episode when Luffy asks Zoro; why it hurts so much and it reveals Luffy crying his eyes out. Seeing Luffy cry like that obviously made me cry too and it was really sad to see how much the end of their friendship hurt the captain. Of course he didn’t want it to be that way, but Luffy isn’t one to turn down a fight. It was also the first time so far that I’ve seen Luffy in a weak moment. Yes, he’s been silly and hurt, but he’s always the strong and dependable captain. He stays tough in moments of hardship and he’s the rock for the rest of the crew. He showed himself as a boy losing a friend. We’ve yet to see Luffy be so emotional and to cry. I’m not counting in his flashbacks with Shanks, I mean in their adventures, a lot of shit happens, but Luffy hadn’t cried like that. This was the first time we really get to see Luffy brake down and show that he’s only human and that his nakama are his weakness.

The second time I’ve cried like a baby is from the episode I just finished. It was episode 277-278 (which are played together) and it’s when we finally get to learn about Robin’s past and about the Buster Call destroying her home town. It was hard to watch I can admit. She’s had it incredibly rough and she was named a criminal unjustly. This whole arc I’ve been wondering why she gets called a devil, and that her existence is a sin and I had to hold myself back from just googling it. The whole episode is sad and I cried constantly on and off, but it was towards the end, when the flashback is pretty much over when Robin gives Luffy her answer. And she yells that she wants to live. It was wonderful and heartbreaking because Robin never felt like she deserved or should be allowed to live because of what the World Government made her out to be.

While watching the episodes of Robin’s past it got me thinking about the pasts of all the Straw Hats in the crew at the moment, not including Luffy’s as his story isn’t quite complete yet. But of the crewmates we’ve met so far, I have to say that Nami and Robin’s story’s are the saddest. In my opinion that is. I think that they’ve had it the roughest. Of course it’s sad about what happened to Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Chopper, but I think all that stuff with Nami’s village being taken over and enslaved by Arlong and her being under his control and Bell-mere being murdered by him right before her eyes and of course all of Robin’s shit is kinda worse than what happened to the other guys. I honestly think the girls had it worse than the boys. But that’s just me.

I’m now very much looking forward to Luffy and the Straw Hats (and Sogeking of course) kicking some ass and really just beating the shit out CP9 and this Spandam commander asshole. He deserves a sick beating from Luffy, no mercy. And I’m excited for Franky to join in the battle and then join the Straw Hats.

One Piece Long Ring Long Land Arc Ep.211


sanji's pose of love

Now I’m not much of a sports enthusiast. I rarely ever watch sports and I haven’t participated in sports since I was in elementary school. So far, in the Long Ring Long Land Arc, our favourite pirates are participating in a sports tournament called the Davy Back Fight. Essentially, if your crew is challenged, you can’t refuse without having to deal with the humiliation and embarrassment, blah blah blah. The winning crew gets to take the crew members of their choice from that of the losers.

The Foxy pirate captain challenges Luffy to the Davy Back Fight and naturally, Luffy excitedly accepts. Unfortunately this was to Nami and Usopp’s horror. Honestly, after hearing what the tournament entails and the cost of losing, I’d be freaking pissed too if my captain accepted cause it “sounded fun”. I’ve managed to get through the first of the three challenges, in which the Mugiwara lost a race around the island. It was a cheated win by the Foxy pirates as their captain sabotaged Nami, Robin and Usopp’s win, just as they were about to pass the goal.  As promised, the Foxy captain got to choose one crew member from the Straw Hats. He picked Chopper, who was coincidently, supposed to compete in the second challenge.

Now I’m stuck trying to watch the second challenge. Sanji and Zoro are unfairly matched in a game of soccer where one of the team players must be the ball. I’m getting anxiety watching this episode and I’m investing too much energy getting frustrated in Zoro and Sanji’s inability to put up a strong fight and win the game. It doesn’t at all help that they were told no weapons in their game, and yet, the opposing team have their own weapons and shit. But because the referee is TECHNICALLY not looking at the game while they use the weapons, it’s allowed and there’s no fowl. I hate sports.

So I’m getting very frustrated. This is why I don’t watch sports. It really freaking irks me watching the cheaters and the sabotaging by the Foxy pirates and I’m just a mess. I was googling the Long Ring Long Land Arc, no spoilers or anything and as I was typing in the name of the arc, one of the suggestions was ‘can I skip this arc’, and ‘it’s not worth watching’. It made me laugh. And it was also comforting that other people are having as hard a time with this arc as I am. I still have a way to go, obviously I know that all goes well for the Straw Hats, but at the moment, as I’m trying to watch this episode, I’m struggling and throwing my arms in the air in frustration. And I really can’t bring myself to skip the arc. I’ve committed to the series, I was prepared that there would be times when I would be bored, or wanting to skip episodes, but I can’t do it.

I will be strong. I hate these fucking Foxy pirates and all their bullshit. I want to strangle everyone. I don’t think I’ve been this annoyed with the Straw Hats yet. *Groan* okay back to the episode.